Welcome to the Chronicle, an interactive electronic communications document featuring Apple QuickTime.™ Please read the instructions below before viewing the Chronicle.
System Requirements:
The Chronicle is designed for Macintosh computers with 5MB RAM and a 13-inch or 14-inch monitor set to 256 colours. Any Macintosh IIx, LC II, IIsi, IIci, IIfx, or Quadra computer may be used as well as any modular color Macintosh purchased after August 1, 1992. System 6.0.7 or later is required.
Loading the QuickTime Init:
Copy the QuickTime init, found on the CD in the “System Software” folder, on to your hard drive and place it in the “System” folder.
Using the Apple Chronicle:
1. To open the Apple Chronicle, double-click on the file called “Chronicle QT”
2. Select a language in which you wish to view the Chronicle
3. Enjoy browsing. Clicking on anything yellow will activate sound or movie files
4. If you need help, click on the “?” button
5. To exit the Chronicle, click on the red octagon
Using Other Folders of Information:
The Chronicle has other folders which contain items of interest. You are encouraged to open the folders and view the presentations or try the sample software programs provided by third party software companies.
Software Availability:
Some third party software products included in the Chronicle may be found in localized versions. Consult your local Apple Authorized Dealer or Macintosh software dealer for software versions available in your country.
Products mentioned in the Chronicle are provided for promotional and informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by Apple Computer, Inc.